Ultra is launching its new HIDL™ family of data links that connect the battle-space meeting the demands of increasingly networked operations.
HIDL™ is a family of flexible, networkable, software definable digital data links which are optimised to meet highly sensitive, time critical information exchange needs, such as unmanned systems, weapon systems and information exchange between multiple platforms and/or nodes.
The HIDL™ family builds upon the data links successfully used in the UK Watchkeeper UAV programme and the UK Fire Shadow Loitering Munition programmes, with increased data rates and scalable to suit small form factors for use by ground forces in Unmanned Ground Vehicles or Remote Weapon Stations.
The networking functionality of HIDL™ greatly aids in increasing connectivity and wider interoperability across the battle-space and in delivering increased shared situational awareness and Full Motion Video (FMV) to the users.
The software definable nature of HIDL™ means that it easy to adapt to customer specific needs; whether this is tailoring the HIDL™ waveform or hosting a customer specific digital waveform. The modular and scalable nature of the hardware allows the customer to optimise to suit range and platform needs. These two factors, allied to the flexible security and performance characteristics, gives HIDL™ customers a much larger trade space to scale and tailor the variant of HIDL™ to meet their security and performance needs within their platform, budget and wider system constraints.
HIDL™ is typically employed as a secure network (with single or multiple nodes) providing:-
– Command and Control (platforms, sensors and weapons)
– Enhanced Situational Awareness (sensor information dissemination – imagery, EO/IR, GMTI)
– Critical information exchange between multiple platforms / nodes.
Key Benefits
– Covert - robust secure anti-jam, noise-like waveform with Low Probability Intercept and Low Probability Detect
– Secure - option for additional country sovereign encryption
– Resilient - capable of operating in a GPS denied environment
– Low latency - critical to support weapon engagements and landing of UAV systems
– Networkable - supports multiple node networks and over the horizon relay
– Scalable - available in a number of size, weight and power configurations to meet platform constraints and range needs
– Flexible - available with a variable bandwidth, bands and security options
Mike Baptist, Managing Director of Ultra Electronics Communication and Integrated Systems, responding to this good news, said:
“I am very excited by the HIDL™ family of data links, which now allow Ultra to offer flexible and scalable solutions to meet current and future requirements at the heart of battlespace networks where performance and capability in mission critical and harsh environments really matter”